Ayahuasca is the Quechua word referring to a liquid produced by the slow decoction of the Amazonian Banisteriopsis caapi vine which contains harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine.
Their model drug law is based on evidence and research from New Zealand and around the world about the best way to reduce the harms caused by both drugs and our current drug laws.
The English Harm Reduction Group have published a statement, strongly condemning the absence of harm reduction in the UK Drug Strategy, despite dramatically increasing numbers of drug-related deaths.
В отчете также отражены основные механизмы, используемые представителями гражданского сообщества (неправительственных организаций (НПО)), занимающихся проблемами доступа к лечению вирусных гепатитов в регионе для улучшения доступа к лечению.
A review of the current epidemiological situation viral hepatitis B and C in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) and responses from government and civil society representatives.
Human Rights Watch analysis has found that Guatemala’s lack of effort to ensure access to palliative care condemns many patients with pain to needless suffering, with devastating consequences for them and their families.
Scottish Drugs Forum say that Scottish Government should test models of independent advocacy services to ensure that sub-standard care, particularly in relation to underlying health conditions for this population
The Drug Policy Alliance says drug decriminalisation is a critical next step toward achieving a rational drug policy that puts science and public health before punishment and incarceration.