IDPC Publications

A key role and added value of IDPC is the production of policy analysis for a broad range of audiences including academia, civil society and policy makers. The majority of these publications are collaborations with members and partners, and are translated into multiple languages to support and facilitate advocacy.

Results 433 to 444 of 468
31 January 2009

IDPC Media information resource pack on the UN review of global drug policy

This pack has been compiled by the International Drug Policy Consortium to provide information and easily accessible background resources on the key issues relating to the UN review of global drug policy. The articles in this pack have been written by experts in the field of drug policy to highlight the failings of the current global system of drug control and draw attention the upcoming UN review, the outcome of which will shape international drug control for the next 10 years.
29 January 2009

UNGASS News, Issue 6

The sixth of the IDPC's regular "UNGASS News" updates, keeping the network up to speed with developments in the UN drug policy review process is now available, and includes a report on the latest round of negotiating meetings preparing for the High Level Segment of the 2009 Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
4 December 2008

IDPC Coordinator Consultation Document

Ann Fordham has now joined the IDPC as full-time Coordinator. Her initial priority will be to review the Consortium's governance structure and membership criteria in consultation with members. Attached is a consultation paper which includes two proposals.
4 December 2008

UNGASS News, Issue 5

The second negotiating meeting to debate the political declaration to be presented at the High Level Meeting (scheduled for March 2009) took place last week (24/25/26 November).
30 October 2008

UNGASS News, Issue 4

The fourth of our regular "UNGASS News" updates, keeping the network up to speed with developments in the review process, the draft annex of the political declaration, the series of inter-governmental negotiating meetings, Beyond 2008 updates and how to plan for the March meeting.
25 September 2008

UNGASS News, Issue 3

The third of our regular "UNGASS News" updates, keeping the network up to speed with developments in the review process, reports on the Demand Reduction Expert Working Group and the 2008 Global ATS Report from UNODC.
25 September 2008

IDPC Response to the UNODC 2008 World Drug Report

This IDPC response describes and critiques the positions taken in the Report, and attempts to articulate the nature of the future challenges faced by member states as they prepare for the review meeting in March 2009.
31 July 2008

UNGASS News - Issue 2

This is the second edition of UNGASS News, that provides an update on the progress of the United Nations review of the global drug control system.
27 June 2008

Global Sign-on Letter to Ban Ki Moon

Following the call at the AIDS High Level Meeting in New York for more effective HIV prevention amongst injecting drug users, a group of NGOs initiated a sign on letter to senior UN officials pointing out the contradictions between the drive to tackle this problem, and the stigmatisation and marginalisation of drug users that is often part of UN-supported drug control activities.
27 June 2008

UNGASS News - Issue 1

To provide our network and partners with concise information on the background to the UNGASS 10-year review, the IDPC has produced an Advocacy Guide that explains the structures, processes and issues involved.