IDPC Publications

A key role and added value of IDPC is the production of policy analysis for a broad range of audiences including academia, civil society and policy makers. The majority of these publications are collaborations with members and partners, and are translated into multiple languages to support and facilitate advocacy.

Results 25 to 36 of 461
1 February 2023
7th Brandenburg Forum on Drugs and Development Policies report

7th Brandenburg Forum on Drugs and Development Policies report

The Forum reunited government, UN and civil society experts to discuss development, health and human rights challenges in relation to drug control ahead of the 2024 mid-term review of implementation of the 2019 Political Declaration.
7 December 2022
IDPC analysis of the UNODC World Drug Report 2022

IDPC analysis of the UNODC World Drug Report 2022

IDPC welcomes the report’s impressive range of data and analysis, as well as its attention to environmental impacts; but regrets the continued lack of acknowledgement of the destructive impact of punitive drug policies, related human rights abuses and opportunities for meaningful reform.