IDPC Publications

A key role and added value of IDPC is the production of policy analysis for a broad range of audiences including academia, civil society and policy makers. The majority of these publications are collaborations with members and partners, and are translated into multiple languages to support and facilitate advocacy.

Results 217 to 228 of 471
12 November 2015
Drug policy and the sustainable development goals

Drug policy and the sustainable development goals

This paper by Health Poverty Action and IDPC sets out the ways in which current drug control efforts are already impacting upon the development sector’s efforts to achieve sustainable development.
27 October 2015
IDPC Progress Report 2014-2015

IDPC Progress Report 2014-2015

It has been another momentous year for IDPC and we hope that you will enjoy reading this latest progress report that gives an overview of our activities and key achievements during the period April 2014 to March 2015.
4 October 2015
Q&A: The death penalty and drug offenses

Q&A: The death penalty and drug offenses

This Q&A was prepared by Harm Reduction International, the International Drug Policy Consortium and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty ahead of World Day against the Death Penalty on 10 October 2015.
8 September 2015
Реформа наркополитики как ключевой компонент отклика на эпидемию ВИЧ инфекции. Информация для заявителей и получателей грантов

Реформа наркополитики как ключевой компонент отклика на эпидемию ВИЧ инфекции. Информация для заявителей и получателей грантов

Этот брифинг предназначена для поддержки тех, кто участвует в разработке приложений для грантов в Глобальный фонд , направленных на содействие всестороннему и эффективных ответов на ВИЧ.