
Results 5077 to 5088 of 5153
22 December 2009

Thailand Convicts Police for Brutality in Anti-Drug Campaign

Human Rights Watch has noted that the conviction of eight police officers for crimes in anti-drug operations should be a catalyst for the Thai government to end police abuses. On December 8, 2009, the Talingchan district court in Bangkok found Police Captain Nat Chonnithiwanit and seven other members of the 41st Border Patrol Police (BPP) unit guilty of assault with weapons, illegal detention, and extortion. Each was sentenced to five years of imprisonment.
22 December 2009

Polish Prisons: Improving Access to Substitution Treatment

Recommendations for improving access to substitution treatment in Polish prisons have been signed. This step forward was made in early December at a conference co-hosted by the Penitentiary Service, the Social AIDS Committee and Open Society Institute’s Global Drug Policy program.
22 December 2009

Misleading and Misguided: Mandatory Prison Sentences for Drug Offences

The Canadian federal government is again proposing mandatory sentences and stiff penalties for certain drug offences. But evidence shows that they only worsen an already dire situation. Incarcerating people who inject drugs or those who are vulnerable to such a practice contributes to Canada’s worsening HIV/HCV epidemic. Along with over 62 witnesses who made submissions or testified before the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network made its case before the Senate with this submission.
22 December 2009

Apply Now - International AIDS Society and National Institute on Drug Abuse Fellowship Programme Encouraging HIV and Drug Use Research

With the support of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the International AIDS Society (IAS) has established a research fellowship programme, with the goal of contributing to advances in the scientific understanding of drug use and HIV, while fostering multinational research. Applications from a wide range of disciplines including social, behavioral, political, clinical, biomedical, mathematical sciences or others are accepted.
22 December 2009

Drug trafficking discussed at UN Security Council

The Security Council, on 8 December, focused on the issue of drug trafficking as a threat to international peace and security. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned in his speech that "drug trafficking is evolving into an ever graver threat that is affecting all regions of the world".
14 December 2009

International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy launched

The International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy was lauched on Human Rights Day 2009 (10th December). The Centre is dedicated to developing and promoting innovative and high quality legal and human rights scholarship on issues related to drug laws, policy and enforcement.
1 December 2009

Call for papers: Children of the Drug War

A call for papers that bring the experiences of children and young people of the drug war. The editor is looking for original, well-written and engaging essays. They may be based on existing research, interviews, personal experiences or they may be more narrative or journalistic in style. The deadline for proposals is Friday 29th January 2010.