On May 11th, the first edition of “Drug policy, HIV and human rights – contributions for reflection and action”, a new virtual training course in Spanish, was launched with the goal of organising and training Latin American activists.
Brett Davidson (Open Society Institute’s Public Health Programme, Cape Town) interviewed István Gábor Takács, from the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU). István has produced more than 200 short advocacy videos as part of HCLU’s successful video advocacy programme.
The International Centre for Science in Drug Policy (ICSDP) is an international network of scientists, academics, and health practitioners committed to improving the health and safety of communities and individuals affected by illicit drugs. The ICSDP conducts scientific research in the form of systematic reviews, evidence-based drug policy guidelines, and research collaborations with scientists and institutions across continents and disciplines.
President Obama has released the Administration’s inaugural National Drug Control Strategy, which establishes five-year goals for reducing drug use and its consequences through a balanced policy of prevention, treatment, enforcement, and international cooperation.
HCLU is now calling for applications to the “The Dark Side of Drug Policies” scholarship for journalists who are prepared to work on an investigative report about a specific problem generated by drug policies in their countries. The aim of the scholarship is raise media awareness on the consequences of drug control policies at the local or national level.
During the negotiations on the EU resolution in view of CND 2010, the Italian government tried to challenge the European wide position on Harm Reduction. This fact has raised a harsh debate between the Italian Drug Policy Department and a group of Italian NGOs. The controversy was reported in the Italian national paper Il Manifesto (article by Salvina Rissa), and Italian NGOs released a statement, available below.
Welcome to the new Facebook fan page dedicated to methadone. Through this page, we can collaborate with fellow NGOs to create a large group that will attract press attention and engage the public in the struggle around access to OST in many countries, Russia and Scotland being the most pertinent current examples.
The Washington Office on Latin America announces the third annual WOLA-Duke Book Award for Human Rights in Latin America for the best current, non-fiction book published in English on human rights, democracy and social justice in contemporary Latin America. The author of the winning book will receive a $1,000 cash prize.
Заявление НПО: Заявление Евразийской сети снижения вреда и Youth R.I.S.E. в связи с Вопросом 6 на повестке дня (Сокращение спроса на наркотики: положение в области злоупотребления наркотиками в мире).
К представлению во время 53 – ей сессии Комиссии по наркотическим средствам в Вене, 11 марта 2010 г.
Представлена: Дарией Очерет, член Руководящего комитета ЕССВ.
This NGO statement was presented on behalf of the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN) and the Youth R.I.S.E. regarding Agenda Item 6 ('Drug demand reduction: world situation with regards to drug abuse') of the 53rd Session of the COmmission on Narcotic Drugs, Plenary Meeting, in Vienna on March, 11th 2010. This statement was presented by Ms. Daria Ocheret, Chair of the Steering Committee of EHRN.
IDPC and Transform have been successful in our application for a Drug Policy Networking Zone at the upcoming International AIDS Conference to be held in Vienna from the 18th to 22nd July 2010. There has been agreement that the Drug Policy Networking Zone will be co-located together with the Human Rights and Harm Reduction Networking Zones. We encourage those of you planning to attend the conference to propose activities for the zone relating to your areas of expertise that will be of interest to the AIDS 2010 conference delegates. Please read the attached document carefully and if you wish to make a proposal for activities / display your publications and/or volunteer, please complete the form and email it back to jane@tdpf.org.uk by no later than Friday 30th April 2010.