The Russian aggression against Ukraine causes tremendous suffering for the Ukrainian people in general - and especially for vulnerable groups with special needs, such as people who use drugs.
To reduce the violence and harms of law enforcement against people who use drugs, governments should commit to decriminalisation, harm reduction and ending stigma.
The Jude Byrne Emerging Female Leader Award aims to help foster expertise and resilience in the next generation of female leaders. Applications will close on 14 March 2022.
INPUD stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian Network of People who Use Drugs, the Ukrainian Network of Women who Use Drugs and all Ukrainian peers, colleagues, and friends against the invasion of their country by Russia.
An excessive focus on shifts in the size of the market, based on data handpicked by government officials, provides cover for punitive action on the ground.
Parliamentarians urged the European Commission to impose trade sanctions if the country does not improve its human rights record, including by halting Duterte's lethal 'war on drugs'.