Фонды «Открытое общество» (ФОО) обращаются к неправительственным организациям (НПО) с просьбой предоставить информацию об инициативах совместной работы с органами правопорядка в целях улучшения здоровья и соблюдения прав человека секс-работников и/или потребителей наркотиков.
The Open Society Foundations (OSF) request information from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) about initiatives where they have worked with the police to improve the health and human rights of sex workers and/or drug users.
This is the latest in a series of “good practice” case studies undertaken by the Global Drug Policy Program. Also in the series are reports on Portugal and Switzerland.
The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) and the Transnational Institute (TNI) have created a video to show the human cost of the war on drugs in Uruguay
Marijuana possession may be decriminalized in Belize as the Central American nation joins a list of countries from Mexico to Uruguay whose leaders have called for alternatives in the U.S.-led war on drugs.
Uruguay may be poised to become the first country to opt for a state controlled and legally regulated cannabis market for medical as well as recreational purposes, including cultivation and distribution.
The campaign highlights the damaging effects of drug criminalisation in order to generate support for evidence based, alternative approaches that protect the rights, health and potential of young people around the world.
This blog constitutes a unique resource for journalists, policymakers, scholars, activists, and others in understanding Venezuelan politics and human rights.
The network was established to stimulate the growth and support the development of drug user organisations in other parts of Kenya in order to create a representative platform for input into policy and programming that impact on people who use drugs.
The Global Network for Public Interest Law is seeking nominations for the second annual European Award for Partnership in the Public Interest, which will recognize the best pro bono legal project (or projects) undertaken jointly between a non-governmental organization and a law firm in Europe.
The conference was a very important and useful meeting that was attended by professionals, care providers and policy makers from across South East Europe.