
Results 421 to 432 of 5157
9 August 2022
Climate justice & drug policy

Climate justice & drug policy

'War on drugs' policies contribute to the destruction of our planet, which is why environmentally sustainable regulation should be part of climate mitigation and adaptation strategies.
4 August 2022
EU drug policy training & strategy series - Call for applications

EU drug policy training & strategy series - Call for applications

Students for Sensible Drug Policy International and Youth RISE are launching a new Erasmus+ project intended to increase the capacity of youth-led organisations that engage in drug policy reform and young people to advocate at the European Union level.
3 August 2022
High time we legalised drugs?

High time we legalised drugs?

There is a dire need for environmental justice in drug policy – and to put the issue of drug cultivation on the radar of environmental and climate organisations. This must be done with the active involvement of those who depend on illicit crops for their livelihoods.
3 August 2022
PSYCHOACTIVE - A podcast series with Ethan Nadelmann

PSYCHOACTIVE - A podcast series with Ethan Nadelmann

Ethan Nadelmann (former director of the Drug Policy Alliance), discusses the many facets of our relationship to drugs by talking with people who dedicate their lives to studying and shifting society's responses to them.