
Results 4273 to 4284 of 5106
23 October 2012
IDPC attends African Union Conference on drugs

IDPC attends African Union Conference on drugs

In October, the African Union hosted the 5th Conference of Ministers of Drug Control in Addis Ababa. IDPC was present throughout the four-day meeting, during which Member States adopted and approved important drug policy documents for the region.
22 October 2012
Count the Cost – теперь на русском

Count the Cost – теперь на русском

Теме подсчета убытков от современных, консервативных подходов к наркополитике, а также обсуждению возможных альтернатив, посвящен веб-сайт Count the Cost, который теперь доступен и на русском языке.
19 October 2012
Supporting youth programming in Indonesia

Supporting youth programming in Indonesia

The Rumah Cemara Youth Program is initiated to address some of these issues, and will provide information and support to young people who use drugs in a non-judgemental environment with high participation of the young people in the program.
19 October 2012
Exploring an alternative drug response in Nigeria

Exploring an alternative drug response in Nigeria

Youth RISE had a busy few weeks in Nigeria in September engaging with government agencies, local civil society organisations and the drug user community to continue and strengthen our work in the region.
19 October 2012
 Malaysian mosque halts facility for drug addicts

Malaysian mosque halts facility for drug addicts

Two years after it started, the Ar-Rahman Mosque in Kuala Lumpur, cited by the World Health Organisation as the first mosque in the world with a methadone clinic, has halted its programme for rehabilitating drug addicts.
19 October 2012
British Columbian municipalities support marijuana law reform

British Columbian municipalities support marijuana law reform

At this year’s annual Union of British Columbian Municipalities convention on September 26th passed a resolution calling on the government to decriminalize marijuana and research its regulation and taxation. The motion supports the decriminalization of marijuana and pushes higher levels of government to research legalization and taxation.