
Results 4237 to 4248 of 5106
20 November 2012
Global Fund Appoints Mark Dybul as Executive Director

Global Fund Appoints Mark Dybul as Executive Director

The Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria appointed as its new Executive Director Ambassador Mark R. Dybul, a former United States Global AIDS Coordinator on 15th November.
15 November 2012
Harm reduction donor coordination meeting in Kenya

Harm reduction donor coordination meeting in Kenya

The partners raised concerns over coming requests from people who inject drugs to receive services like NSP and OST, which are currently not provided by the government in anticipation of approval of standard operating procedures on NSP and OST.
13 November 2012
Disproportionate penalties for drug offenses in Mexico

Disproportionate penalties for drug offenses in Mexico

Mexico’s drug war has left more than 60,000 dead during this administration, according to the Federal Government. Current drug laws do little to combat the violence that is in fact threatening common citizens.