
Results 3085 to 3096 of 5112
4 March 2015
Washington DC legalises marijuana possession and use

Washington DC legalises marijuana possession and use

Residents and visitors to the city over the age of 21 can possess as much as 2oz (56g) of cannabis, and may grow a few plants at home. Buying and selling the drug remains illegal, as does smoking it in public.
4 March 2015
The Pain project

The Pain project

The International Reporting Program traveled to Ukraine, Uganda and India to find out, and to document the human toll of the human rights crisis created by the lack of access to essential medicines.
24 February 2015
Slovakia heading towards full decriminalisation

Slovakia heading towards full decriminalisation

An increasing number of Slovak non-governmental and ministerial experts have come to recognise the validity of evidence from abroad underpinning the success of non-punitive drug policy approaches in other parts of the European Union.
23 February 2015
Leading on harm reduction after 2015

Leading on harm reduction after 2015

Reflecting on the UN's millennium development goals and moving forward to a post-2015 sustainable development goals model, there needs to be more focus in addressing harm reduction failures with people who inject drugs.
23 February 2015
Five myths about drug mules and the death penalty

Five myths about drug mules and the death penalty

Women Drug mules made headlines in UK news throughout 2013 bringing to light misconceptions of drug mules and highlighting accounts of coercion and threats to transport drugs but also voluntarily involvement, motivated by poverty and financial difficulties.
20 February 2015
A guide to MDMA harm reduction

A guide to MDMA harm reduction

This harm reduction guide offers information on how to reduce the potential risks associated with MDMA use.
20 February 2015
Ketamine should not be restricted: A conversation with Christopher Hallam

Ketamine should not be restricted: A conversation with Christopher Hallam

The lack of access to essential medicines is partially due to the overemphasis put by the International Narcotics Control Board on tackling the illicit production, trafficking and uses of drugs, instead of paying greater attention to guarantee the availability to essential medicines.