
Results 2941 to 2952 of 5112
1 July 2015
Global Naloxone Accessibility Survey 2015

Global Naloxone Accessibility Survey 2015

From this survey IDHDP hopes to understand more about where the life saving drug naloxone is and isn’t available as well as its level of accessibility.
29 June 2015
Andrey Rylkov Foundation inputed to the UNGASS 2016

Andrey Rylkov Foundation inputed to the UNGASS 2016

In May 2015 members of the Russian Civil Society Mechanism for Monitoring of Drug Policy Reforms in Russia, with technical assistance of the Andrey Rylkov Foundation for Health and Social Justice and the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network drafted and submitted to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights a paper named “Russian Drug Policy as a Distorting Reflection of the UN Drug Conventions: Stigmatizing Language, Overreliance on Punitive Restrictions, Indifference to Human Rights, and Obliteration of Science“.
25 June 2015


25 June 2015
Послание по случаю международного Дня Борьбы Со Злоупотреблением Наркотическими Средствами и их Незаконным Оборотом - 26 июня 2015 года

Послание по случаю международного Дня Борьбы Со Злоупотреблением Наркотическими Средствами и их Незаконным Оборотом - 26 июня 2015 года

Применение сбалансированного подхода невозможно без единства цели в рамках международного сообщества, включая Организацию Объединенных Наций, гражданское общество и — самое главное — сами страны. Ни одна страна не может действовать изолированно. Наиболее благоприятные перспективы в борьбе с торговлей людьми.
25 June 2015
Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon's message for 26 June 2015

Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon's message for 26 June 2015

On the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, let us raise awareness about the value of applying a balanced approach to these problems based on an understanding that sustainable development can and must catalyze change across all these fronts.
25 June 2015
Room for change: Punishment is not the solution

Room for change: Punishment is not the solution

We cannot make our societies drug-free. But we can do something to reduce infection and overdose deaths, eliminate the problem of discarded needles, and treat drug dependence. This campaign is about real solutions - the choice is ours!
25 June 2015
Fighting HIV where no-one admits it's a problem

Fighting HIV where no-one admits it's a problem

For years, Russia has remained remarkably silent on the challenge it faces from HIV and Aids. Now that silence has been broken by an epidemiologist who has been working in the field for more than two decades - and he calls the situation "a national catastrophe".