As the presence of nitazenes, powerful synthetic opioids, increase in the UK drug supply, the 'Stayin' Alive' campaign strongly advises people who use heroin, oxycodone, and benzodiazepines to adopt additional safety measures, including testing, reducing dosage, and carrying naloxone.
Prevention and criminalisation of the distribution of safer smoking kits leave stimulant users to devise their own creative solutions, which can lead to entirely avoidable health problems.
A further four associations are in the process of attaining operational licenses to provide cannabis to their members while seeking to avoid commercialisation.
Aidsfonds and the Robert Carr Fund explore how we can empower communities to lead change in HIV, health and rights by discussing methods, challenges, and opportunities in shifting power towards community-led approaches.
Decriminalisation of personal consumption of drugs is on its way in Ireland as legislators support this measure as part of its comprehensive health-led approach to substance use.
Policing issues, ambiguity in regulatory policies, and lack of infrastructure to measure beneficial use hinders the exploration of cannabis for its medicinal properties.
In the majority of Latin American countries, drug-related offences are the main driver of women's incarceration, with devastating impacts on their mental, physical and reproductive health, and their loved ones'.
In reviewing the effects of cannabis regulation, the government must ensure equity to Indigenous people and racialised groups who have been historically at the losing end of the 'war on drugs'.
A recent California study debunks the myth that drug use is the primary driver of homelessness, advocating for the elimination of the criminalisation and stigmatisation of drug use to facilitate access to safe and stable housing for those experiencing homelessness.
While providing an avenue for non-criminalisation for first- and second-time possession offences, the hefty fines risk perpetuating the involvement of people who use drugs with the criminal legal system, particularly those most vulnerable.