PRI et l'IDPC expliquent comment les personnes responsables de l'élaboration de politiques publiques et les professionnel·les du système juridique peuvent réduire l'emprisonnement des femmes pour des délits liées aux drogues, conformément aux normes internationales. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
The number of women and girls in prison, estimated to be more than 740,000, is increasing: between 2010 and 2020 there was a 17 per cent increase globally. Punitive drug policies are known to be a key driver of rising prison populations and to have a particular and disproportionate impact on women.
Drawing on the report, Sentencing of women convicted of drug-related offences, as well as findings from an expert meeting held in London in February 2020, and the recent briefing, Punitive Drug Laws: 10 years undermining the Bangkok Rules, this model for reform details how policy makers and criminal justice practitioners can respond effectively and positively to reduce the unnecessary imprisonment of women for drug‐related offences in line with international standards.