Réforme de la loi sur la marijuana à l’ordre du jour des élections présidentielles américaines


Réforme de la loi sur la marijuana à l’ordre du jour des élections présidentielles américaines

26 octobre 2012

Des initiatives en faveur de la légalisation de la marijuana prennent de l'ampleur à Washington, en Oregon et au Colorado à l’approche de l'élection présidentielle. De récents sondages montrent que 57% des électeurs à Washington, 37% dans l'Oregon (avec 22% d'indécis), 51% dans le Colorado sont en faveur de la réforme.Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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Marijuana legalization ballot initiatives in Washington, Oregon and Colorado are gaining momentum as the presidential election nears. Recent polls of prospective voters shows 57% support in Washington, 37% support in Oregon (with 22% undecided), and 51% support in Colorado, respectively.

The proposed initiative will alter state laws as follows:

Colorado – Amendment 64: Colorado’s medical marijuana system will become exempt from retail taxes and will make recreational marijuana use by adults over the age of 21 legal through a state regulatory system. It will also remove penalties for growing up to six plants, remove a ban on industrial hemp, and establish a retail system for marijuana.

Oregon – Measure 80: The state of Oregon will lift a ban on industrial hemp and make marijuana use legal for adults over the age of 21. Under the Oregon Cannabis Commission, possession, cultivation and retail will be permitted.

Washington – Initiative 502: Under this initiative, marijuana use will be legal for adults over the age of 21 and marijuana businesses will be regulated, taxed and licensed by the state government. However, marijuana/cannabis will still remain under Schedule 1, meaning that it only renders certain marijuana-related activities legal, while the plant itself will remain illegal.

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