
La Commission mondiale sur le VIH et le droit requiert la participation de spécialistes

27 mai 2011

Several Commissioners have pointed out the need to ensure that the Global Commission on HIV and the Law reach out broadly and seek views from as diverse a range of stakeholders as possible, thereby ensuring that the Commission gives adequate attention to due process.

Consequently, a Specialist Call for Submissions to elicit the views of experts/specialised agencies or groups has been launched. This call aims to reach out to a range of actors, including bar associations, trade unions, pharmaceutical industry/associations, medical and research associations, public health institutions, parliamentary groups, other UN agencies such as WIPO, and non-UN agencies such as WTO.

The Specialist Call for Submissions is based on the format used by the Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group, i.e., a two- or three-page missive, describing the evidence informed policy position/change sought, in the form of a letter addressed to the Commission.

The deadline for receiving submissions is Friday, 8 July.

Your submissions should be sent to:, or by mail to:Global Commission on HIV and the Law - Secretariat, United Nations Development Programme, BDP, HIV/AIDS Practice, 304 East 45th Street – FF1180, New York NY 10017, USA.

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