3e Conférence régionale de MENAHRA sur la réduction des risques
L’objectif principal de la conférence est de plaider pour la réduction des risques et d’en faire la promotion dans la région MENA, et de favoriser le réseautage entre les organisations de la société civile et d’autres parties prenantes travaillant sur le terrain.
Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
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MENAHRA is planning to organize the “Third Regional Conference on Harm Reduction” from 23-25 November 2016 in Beirut.
MENAHRA aims to advocate and encourage the adoption of harm reduction strategies in the MENA region and to stress on the Rights of Key populations to End AIDS. The conference is anticipated to host professionals, activists, communities and academics engaged in harm reduction strategies.
The conference will include several presentations and lectures accounting experiences and strategies of harm reduction that have been adopted worldwide. Many associations, institutions, networks, groups and individuals will be invited to attend this conference, in addition to the regional UN offices and other official authorities working on harm reduction, HIV/AIDS, and drugs.
The conference will have the following goals and objectives:
The main goal of the conference is to advocate for and promote Harm Reduction in the countries of the MENA region and to foster networking between civil society organizations and other stakeholders working in the field.
- To exchange information and to share experiences and research among experts, civil society, government organizations and key population representatives from the region
- To update the participants on the latest information on harm reduction programs
- To advocate for a higher political commitment from stakeholders and donors in the region
- To encourage the documentation of successful experiences in harm reduction, for further use in advocacy and experience sharing
- To promote, scale up and to expand the MENAHRA Network activities
Call for abstract submissions
This conference will showcase presentations from across the region describing the latest research and interventions. We want the conference to inspire delegates and introduce them to new ideas, so this is an ideal opportunity to present:
Are you an activist (IDU, former IDU, PLHIV) trying to make a position in your community?
Are you involved in delivering innovative harm reduction services?
Have you done some regional and relevant research?
Have you been advocating for harm reduction approach in your country?
Do you wish to showcase or discuss your country’s harm reduction policies?
Click here to read the full call.
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Thumbnail: Paul Saad