Réunion intersession de la CND du 27 janvier 2016


Réunion intersession de la CND du 27 janvier 2016

22 janvier 2016

La prochaine réunion intersession de la Commission des stupéfiants (CND) aura lieu à Vienne, pour discuter de la préparation de la 59ème session de la CND ainsi que de l’UNGASS. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The next CND Intersessional Meeting will take place on 27 January 2016, from 10 a.m. -1p.m. and 3p.m. -6p.m. CET in Boardroom D, C-Building, Vienna International Centre.

Draft agenda

1. Preparations for the regular segment of the 59th session of the Commission

(a) Organization of work

(b) Normative segment: Scheduling of substances based on the international drug control conventions

(c) Operational segment

2. Preparations for the special segment on UNGASS preparations to be conducted at the occasion of the 59th session of the Commission

3. Other business

How to attend

NGOs in ECOSOC Consultative Status are invited to nominate observers to attend the session. To register, please send the name, address and email-address of the designated observer(s) to info@vngoc.org as soon as possible, but no later than Friday,22nd January 2016 , 3 p.m. CET. The VNGOC will then forward the information to UNODC to secure access for everyone who does not hold an annual pass to the Vienna International Centre.

For those unable to join in person, the events will be webcast live at: www.ungass2016.org.

Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.

Thumbnail: Wikipedia

Vienna, Austria
Date26 janvier 2016

