Conférence Scientifique de l’APSAD de 2013: concilier connaissances et pratique
Le programme de cette conférence se concentrera sur les nouveaux traitements, la prévention et les politiques dans le domaine de la recherche sur la drogue et l’alcool. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous en anglais.
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The Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol & other Drugs (APSAD) is the Asia Pacific's leading multidisciplinary organisation for professionals involved in the alcohol and other drug field. The destination for this year's conference is Brisbane and will take place 24– 27 November.
This conference will feature an exciting program which includes international and national speakers, focusing on new treatment, prevention and policy in the areas of drugs and alcohol research. The conference will include local issues and content relevant to our region, but will also offer a range of presentations and workshops that have international relevance. Featuring original work from the field, the conference program will continue to encourage alternative presentation styles such as film, yarning circles and artwork whilst maintaining conventional modes of presentation such as oral and poster presentations, participatory workshops, debates/discussions and late breakers. This year we will also be targeting clinicians and front line workers, with translational research as well as continuing to include the latest content from criminal justice system interventions, workforce development, research, and health policy, to mention just a few topic areas.
Early bird registration closes on Wednesday 4 September.
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