Past Events

Results 949 to 960 of 1435
National Needle Exchange Forum 2015

National Needle Exchange Forum 2015

Birmingham, UK
24 September 2015
The meeting is targeted at needle exchange workers, people who use drugs and advocates across the country, and aims to present the latest news and developments in the field.
CND Intersessional meeting in Vienna

CND Intersessional meeting in Vienna

Vienna, Austria
24 September 2015
Another CND intersessional will be held on 24th September in Vienna to discuss the UNGASS modalities and its outcome document.
Encountering alcohol and other drugs

Encountering alcohol and other drugs

Lisbon, Portugal
15 September 2015 - 18 September 2015
This conference will explore alcohol and other drug use in light of growing interest in issues of relationality, contingency and emergence.
Conference on Overdose Awareness

Conference on Overdose Awareness

Bergen, Norway
30 August 2015 - 31 August 2015
The conference is arranged by SERAF, City of Bergen, the Norwegian Directorate of Health and the Research Council of Norway in collaboration with proLAR, Bergen Clinics, Helse Bergen, SIRUS and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
International Overdose Awareness Day

International Overdose Awareness Day

30 August 2015
International Overdose Awareness Day aims to raise awareness of overdose and reduce the stigma of a drug-related death. It also acknowledges the grief felt by families and friends remembering those who have met with death or permanent injury as a result of drug overdose.
Conversations with Dr. Andrew Tatarsky

Conversations with Dr. Andrew Tatarsky

Metro Manila, Philippines
9 August 2015 - 19 August 2015
The Philippines "Conversations with Andrew Tatarsky" are three public events spanning four days, introducing a broader approach to Harm Reduction, both institutionally, and in our homes and everyday lives. The Adi Guna Nusantara Foundation is also organizing workshops in Indonesia.
Justice Advocacy Conference: Free her

Justice Advocacy Conference: Free her

Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
3 August 2015 - 4 August 2015
This conference brings together powerful leaders from across the country who are formerly incarcerated women, family members to discuss how to advocate for an end of the over-incarceration of people of colour (in particular women) in the United States.