This four day conference, organised by The Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN) will serve as a regional discussion platform in advance to the 25th International Harm Reduction Conference in Montreal in 2017, and to the 22th International AIDS Conference in 2018.
Recent decisions by the Canadian government concerning harm reduction, opioids, cannabis, and sentencing are signalling a new approach to managing illicit drug use in Canada.
The Regional Harm Reduction Conference will be dedicated to the results, lessons learnt, and perspectives of civil society and community-driven advocacy for sustainable and high-quality harm reduction programs in CEECA.
This webinar explains the Commission's functioning, presents an overview of the key issues concerning the upcoming 60th Session, and offers guidance to facilitate NGO engagement.
Topics include: Raising awareness & promoting the role of user involvement, considering examples of good practice in user involvement, and identifying and tackling barriers to user involvement.
Harm Reduction Academy is a global learning, dialogue and skills building course established with the vision to end AIDS and Hepatitis C among people who inject drugs.