Past Events

Results 433 to 444 of 1465
How the war on drugs continues to fuel authoritarianism

How the war on drugs continues to fuel authoritarianism

25 June 2020 - 25 June 2020
This live-streamed conversation will explore the current state of the drug war, the anti-racism protests taking place across the world, responses from political leaders and the rise of authoritarianism in the context of COVID-19.
 History of the drug war, colonization & racism

History of the drug war, colonization & racism

20 June 2020 - 19 June 2020
Psychedelic Seminars is organising a virtual discussion see how we can advocate for policy that repairs the harms of the past, from colonization to the drug war and modern policing.
Faces of Assassination - Virtual book and campaign launch

Faces of Assassination - Virtual book and campaign launch

15 June 2020 - 14 June 2020
The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime will launch its "Assassination Witness" campaign and its book "Faces of Assassination - Bearing Witness to the Victims of Organized Crime", the latest step in their work to document the impact of criminal assassinations.