Past Events

Results 361 to 372 of 1465
Sustainable livelihoods and the legal regulation of drugs

Sustainable livelihoods and the legal regulation of drugs

12 November 2020
The concept of ‘alternative development’ has dominated the intersection of drug control and development historically – but has been subject to growing critique. We explore how can it evolve into meaningful promotion of sustainable livelihoods for impacted communities, including possibilities for transitioning into legally regulated drug crop products.
European harm reduction sessions

European harm reduction sessions

5 November 2020
Correlation-EuroHRN hosts a series of seminars on subjects such as COVID-19's effects on harm reduction efforts for people who use drugs, different approaches to decriminalisation, and more ethical drug policies.
European Harm Reduction Conference 2020 [POSTPONED]

European Harm Reduction Conference 2020 [POSTPONED]

Prague, Czech Republic
3 November 2020 - 5 November 2020
The fifth European Harm Reduction Conference will assess the impacts of harm reduction and drug policy on people who use drugs, sex workers, and people living with HIV.
Measuring stigma related to opioid use

Measuring stigma related to opioid use

28 October 2020
Webinar outlining how opioid stigma reduction programs can measure the behaviours of first responders and health-care providers towards people living with opioid use.