On 20 January 2022, PRI will hold an online event to launch the new 10-point plan, discuss key findings from the conducted research and hear about the experience of non-custodial sanctions during the ongoing pandemic from varied perspectives.
Webinar on the implementation of the GIPA principle with people who use drugs in the HIV response in the region and their representation in political and technical decision-making spaces, based on the results of the Technical Assistance of the Global Fund CRG carried out by LANPUD
Consisting of three booklets, the report documents progress and case examples of the transition from compulsory facilities for people who use drugs to voluntary community-based treatment, harm reduction and support services in the region.
At this online launch, key international and national actors and human rights leaders will discuss the findings of the report and ways forward to ensure the prioritisation of people detained and working in prisons for COVID-19 vaccination and broader pandemic responses.
In commemoration of International Human Rights Day, this event will showcase key developments that took place during 2021 from diverse UN entities that can support system-wide coherence between drug control and the UN pillars of peace and security, development, and human rights, as well as the Sustainable Development Agenda.
The Common Position seeks to incorporate the perspectives and guide the work of a wide range of NGOs from across Asia-Pacific, to help shape and guide civil society and governmental responses over the coming years.