Past Events

Results 157 to 168 of 1435
#DrugDecrim Month 2022

#DrugDecrim Month 2022

31 May 2022 - 29 June 2022
#DrugDecrim Month showcases the wealth of existing evidence and knowledge on the harmful impacts of criminalisation, and the benefits of decriminalisation to foster safer, healthier and more inclusive communities.
Sexism Free Night seminar

Sexism Free Night seminar

Barcelona, Spain
19 May 2022
Sexism Free Night Seminar, taking place on the 20th of May in Barcelona, will be a combination of activities, mix of presentations and side events, all aiming to present a full spectrum of topics around Sexism in Nightlife.
Just Coca 2022

Just Coca 2022

17 May 2022 - 18 May 2022
This two-day event focuses on the medicinal, nutritional, legal and development implications of coca leaf markets, as they exist and evolve.
Protecting public health and welfare through balanced opioid governance

Protecting public health and welfare through balanced opioid governance

29 April 2022 - 28 April 2022
Speakers from the Lancet Commission on Pain and Palliative Care and the Stanford-Lancet Commission on the North American Opiod Crisis will present their findings, followed by discussion from representatitves from the International Narcotics Control Board, the WHO, UNODC and civil society experts.
Protecting public health and welfare through balanced opioid governance

Protecting public health and welfare through balanced opioid governance

28 April 2022
Chairs of the Lancet Commission on Pain and Palliative Care and the Stanford-Lancet Commission on the North American Opioid Crisis will present the main findings of their reports, followed by a discussion on the way forward with civil society experts and representatives of the International Narcotics Control Board, the World Health Organization, and UNODC.
Support. Don't Punish 2022 - Q&A session

Support. Don't Punish 2022 - Q&A session

18 April 2022
The Support. Don't Punish campaign organises a Q&A Session to explain the campaign's way of working, discuss expectations for the 10th Anniversary of the Global Day of Action, provide guidance on applying to these funding facilities and, in particular, create space to address doubts and questions.