Past Events

Results 1273 to 1284 of 1459
ISCTE–EMCDDA European Summer School on illicit drugs

ISCTE–EMCDDA European Summer School on illicit drugs

Lisbon, Portugal
1 July 2012 - 12 July 2012
During the two-week course, EMCDDA scientific experts, ISCTE-professors and policymakers, will prepare participants to meet the complex policy challenges in this field, by providing a multi-disciplinary and inclusive approach to the study of the drug problem, both in Europe and beyond.
Anti-Drugs Summit

Anti-Drugs Summit

Lima, Peru
25 June 2012 - 26 June 2012
Some 12 countries have confirmed their attendance at the anti-drug summit being organized by Peru for 2012, with the objective of coordinating and elaborating joint policies in response to drug trafficking, the Peruvian anti-drug czar, Ricardo Soberón, announced.
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

25 June 2012
By resolution 42/112 of 7 December 1987, the General Assembly decided to observe 26 June as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse. 
A comprehensive drug control strategy - Israel’s mode

A comprehensive drug control strategy - Israel’s mode

Jerusalem, Israel
24 June 2012 - 18 July 2012
Israel would like to share some of its experience in assisting other countries to incorporate demand reduction approaches into their national drug control strategies, while emphasizing the essential need for effective cooperation and coordination between the relevant government ministries and non-governmental entities involved in the battle against drugs.
Drugs and drink in Asia: New perspectives from history

Drugs and drink in Asia: New perspectives from history

Shanghai, China
21 June 2012 - 23 June 2012
The centenary of the Hague Opium Convention in 1912 marks 100 years of the development of international controls on commercial flows in psycho-active substances. This conference seeks to bring together those conducting new research on the origins and trajectory of that system in order to exchange recent conclusions and to address emerging questions.

Drogas e Bebida na Ásia: Novas perspetivas da história

Xangai, China
21 June 2012 - 23 June 2012
O centenário da Convenção Internacional do Ópio de Haia em 1912 marca os cem anos do desenvolvimento do controlo internacional dos fluxos comerciais de substâncias psicoactivas. Esta conferência procura juntar aqueles que conduzem novas investigações com as origens e a trajectória desse sistema para o intercâmbio de conclusões recentes e para responder a questões emergentes.
6th SEEA Net Adriatic Drug Addiction Treatment Conference

6th SEEA Net Adriatic Drug Addiction Treatment Conference

Tirana, Albania
19 June 2012 - 22 June 2012
This addiction treatment conference in Albania will include the following as main conference topics; treatment of young drug users, patients with comorbidity and cooperation with existent drug prevention and treatment services, medical, social and other services and NGOs in the region, treatment of Hepatitis C, different praxis through the region and treatment in custodial settings.