In 2010, the Government launched a new drug strategy to counter the harmful effects of drug and alcohol dependence in society. The twin aims of the strategy were to reduce harmful drug use and increase the numbers recovering from their dependence. The work is structured around three themes – reducing demand, restricting supply and building recovery in communities.
The Scottish Government is bringing together a range of experts, including the police, health experts and community organisations to discuss how the problem of legal highs in Scotland can be tackled.
The 2013 conference will be an opportunity to re-engage professionals and academics in the fields of human rights and policing, and to create a discourse about issues that face police in the 21st Century.
Edited by Intercambios with the support of the Levi Strauss Foundation, this publication retrieves working strategies used by different teams that address problematic drug use.
Governance Studies at Brookings and WOLA will host a public forum with two leading scholars and two key politicians to examine the legal and political choices in USA after Colorado and Washington marijuana regulation.
This is the third debate organised by the Open Society Foundations' Global Drug Policy Program and the CEU School of Public Policy. It will be held on 11 April 2013, at 5:30pm in the CEU Auditorium.
This Conference aims to dovetail policy and practice under the national Road to Recovery Drug Strategy with these emerging themes within the Scottish criminal justice system – thereby improving responses at policy development, planning and practice levels to people with substance problems in the criminal justice system.
The 6th Australasian drug and alcohol strategy conference is the peak police drug and alcohol forum in Australasia. It brings together experts from law enforcement agencies, health service providers, policy analysts, researchers and industry representatives.
EHRN in partnership with the International Gender Policy Network is organizing a parallel event in the 57th CSW session with the aim of informing the participants about the issues of violence against women who use drugs and/or are engaged in sex work.
Seeking to urgently address current failings in the prison and probation system, the Government has committed to wide-ranging reforms to offender management frameworks and has pledged to deliver a 'rehabilitation revolution'.