
Results 373 to 384 of 444
28 June 2013
26 June Day of Action in Bangkok, Thailand

26 June Day of Action in Bangkok, Thailand

On the Day of Action in Thailand, the 12D Network had prepared a letter to the Prime Minister, Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, demanding that the government reform its drug control policies.
28 June 2013
Real change we can believe in

Real change we can believe in

The Obama administration’s statement, 'A Drug Policy for the 21st Century', is accepting publicly that the decades of US harsh drug policies have been an expensive mistake.
26 June 2013
On the road: Harm reduction advocacy in China

On the road: Harm reduction advocacy in China

It is the addiction that makes people suffer. Nobody is born evil and any one of us could be in this situation. Shouldn’t we ask ourselves why we didn’t provide interventions much earlier, at the time they needed them most?