
Results 301 to 312 of 444
11 March 2014
Debunk the INCB! – Video Campaign

Debunk the INCB! – Video Campaign

The video campaign launched by HCLU’s Drugreporter aims at debunking the offensive of the INCB against drug policy reform initiatives.
7 March 2014
Sounding the drug war retreat

Sounding the drug war retreat

There are clear signs that the global consensus on drugs is becoming increasingly fractured, writes Ann Fordham, who says the last 18 months have seen several exciting watershed moments on the long road towards a rational and less damaging approach to the control of drugs.
7 March 2014
Candidates for INCB membership renewal now nominated

Candidates for INCB membership renewal now nominated

Six new INCB members will be elected on 23-25 April 2014. The list and bios of the candidates is now available below (including candidates nominated by governments, and those nominated by the World Health Organization).
5 March 2014
INCB speaks out against death penalty

INCB speaks out against death penalty

INCB takes a new step towards the protection of human rights by encouraging member states to consider the abolition of death penalty for drug-related offences.