Turning the HIV tide for people who use drugs- Exclusion is not an option


Turning the HIV tide for people who use drugs- Exclusion is not an option

23 July 2014

UNODC is the UNAIDS convening agency for HIV prevention, treatment and care for people who use drugs. Together with other co-sponsors of UNAIDS, national and international partners, including civil society organizations, UNODC assists countries to achieve universal access to comprehensive HIV services for people who use drugs.

UNODC provides technical assistance in priority countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, South and South-East Asia, Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa, in the form of:

  • Targeted advocacy to reduce stigma and discrimination and to promote human rights-based, gender and age responsive and public health centred approaches to drug use and HIV
  • Support in reviewing, adapting, developing and implementing effective legislation and policies, facilitating evidence informed HIV interventions
  • Support in developing and implementing comprehensive evidence-informed strategies and programmes
  • Assistance in ensuring equitable access to HIV services for women drug users by addressing their special needs and implementing tailor-made services on the ground

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