ECOSOC concluding observations on the sixth periodic report of Ukraine


ECOSOC concluding observations on the sixth periodic report of Ukraine

28 May 2014

In its report, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights raised concerns about the punitive approach adopted by Ukraine towards persons who use drugs that translates into the high number of such persons being imprisoned, as well as about existing regulations that restrict access to opioid substitution therapy (OST) and needle and syringe exchange programmes (NSP).

The Committee also recommended that Ukraine adopt a human rights-based approach in addressing the problem of drug use, including by conducting awareness-raising programmes about the serious health risks associated with drug use; addressing the discrimination against drug dependent persons; providing appropriate health-care, psychological support services and rehabilitation to such persons, including effective drug dependence treatment such as OST; and allocating financial resources for the proper operation of OST and NSP and increasing their coverage, ensuring inter alia better access to such programmes in prison settings.

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