EMCDDA Drug-related research in Europe: recent developments and future perspectives


EMCDDA Drug-related research in Europe: recent developments and future perspectives

21 May 2012

Scientific findings and up-to-date evidence are needed for sound policymaking at local, national and EU level. Research can help answer many policy questions by investigating which interventions or combination of interventions may be more appropriate to help reduce drug problems. Research can also assess the cost-effectiveness of various alternative interventions and suggest innovative ways to increase effectiveness.

Both the European Commission and the Member States have been investing in drug-related research and promoting the development of a wider knowledge base to underpin drug policy. However, there has been no consistent approach at European level to identifying and prioritising research topics.

The EMCDDA has been monitoring drug-related research since 2007, as part of its mandate to provide ‘the Community and its Member States with factual, objective, reliable and comparable information at European level concerning drugs and drug addiction and their consequences’ (1). The agency has developed a methodology to analyse research activity on the basis of the studies cited by Reitox national focal points in their Reitox national reports.

This Thematic paper therefore draws from a variety of sources, which include analysis of the yearly national reports submitted to the EMCDDA by the Reitox national focal points over the period 2008–10, projects funded through different European Commission research and drug-related programmes, and Council and Commission documents focusing on this topic. It aims to update the EMCDDA Selected issue on national drug-related research in Europe (EMCDDA, 2008), by reporting on recent developments and current challenges, and by suggesting future opportunities in this field.

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