A failed attack against the pro-harm reduction drug strategy of Budapest

Gergely Karácsony (Dialogue – The Greens' Party), Mayor of Budapest. Photo credit: SZERVÁC Attila - Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0


A failed attack against the pro-harm reduction drug strategy of Budapest

17 December 2024
Péter Sárosi
Drug Reporter

The City Council of Budapest rejected a proposal from the government party, Fidesz, to abolish the city’s progressive drug strategy and to create a new, repressive strategy.

The Budapest City Council discussed and rejected a motion submitted by Alexandra Szentkirályi, the head of the ruling Fidesz party’s fraction in the capital, that proposed to cancel the Budapest Drug Strategy. The document, which was prepared by the Budapest Drug Council (BKEF), with the meaningful and broad involvement of civil society, was adopted in December 2023 by the opposition majority.

The Mayor of Budapest, Gergely Karácsony defended the drug strategy at the meeting by arguing that it is an evidence-based document that was modeled after the EU Drug Strategy (2021-25). He pointed out that the strategy reflects a broad consensus among professionals, who sent a letter in defense of the strategy to all representatives of the Council.
