Voices of Community Action and Leadership (VOCAL-KE) is a Harm reduction and Human rights organization committed to reducing the health, social- economic harms associated with drug use and stringent drug policies in East Africa. VOCAL-KE is a pioneer organizing and advocacy organization articulating harm reduction and drug policy paradigm shift in East Africa to amplify issues of health and human rights of low – income people effected by HIV/AIDS and harmful drug use, bad drug policies and laws. We engage concerned family members, institutions, students and individuals eager to advocate for the expansion of harm reduction policies in East Africa. VOCAL-KE was formed in 2016 by a group of Human rights activists and professionals concerned about drug policy in East Africa. For decades now the East African countries especially, the Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda National Drug Strategies continue to have less focus on minimizing harm. In recent past, VOCAL-KE has forged critical allies in enhancing in country and regional commitment to support evidence-based and effective approach in addressing drug use in the region. Our main focus is to ensure that drug policies in East Africa DO NOT HARM but demonstrate need for interventions that protect the health and wellbeing people who use drugs, preventing disease infections and prolong life while at the same time eliminating barriers to accessing health and justice. We work with community leaders and social justice advocates who not only have personal experience in understanding the complexities of drug use but are also forefront human rights advocates for the safest, most effective ways to protect the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities when addressing drug use. We support meaningful participation of people who use drugs in finding effective home-grown solutions to foster effective drug policies that recognize, respect and promote human rights. We advocate for polices that acknowledges the universality and interdependence of Human rights that are rooted in dignity, compassion with a strong rejection to discrimination, stereotyping and stigmatization. It is time for action on safer, evidence-based and humane drug policies in East Africa.