Autosupport des usagers de drogues (ASUD)

IDPC Member

Autosupport des usagers de drogues (ASUD)

ASUD is the first French drug user union established in 1993 during the AIDS epidemic among intravenous drug users and recognised by the authorities to represent drugs users' interests at many levels, including access to health, citizenship, and political reform. ASUD's main goals are to promote drug policy reform, the development and scale up of harm reduction and peer support.

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15 September 2011

French NGOs and authors call for drug law reforms

On Friday September 23, 2011, the French NGO AIDES, ASUD and Fédération Addiction are organizing a public meeting in Paris dedicated to promoting drug law reform.
19 May 2010

France: a mock supervised injection facility as a step forward for harm reduction

In 2009, a group of associations opened a mock supervised injection facility (SIF) in Paris. Attracted by what they thought to be an illegal action, many journalists visited the SIF and reported positive opinions from their discussions with health professionals. NGOs then started a political lobbying action aimed to advocate for the establishment of a SIF in Paris, followed by positive political engagement from the French government.