Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/video-advocacy-for-drug-policy-reform-tickets-123039092237
Video advocacy for drug policy reform
Online video advocacy with Drugreporter
István Gábor Takács and Péter Sárosi have been making films to promote humane drug policies and harm reduction since 2007. While working at the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, they started out with a handycam and a microphone to record conferences and interviews with experts in the field. Their online videos became popular educational and mobilisation tools, and throughout the years they were invited to film all around the world about best practices of drug policy, to support activist with videos and to debunk the drug war.
In 2016 they founded a new organisation, the Rights Reporter Foundation, where they continued their international filmmaking work as well. They document the major international drug policy events, at the United Nations and at conferences, they produce short informational videos and full length documentaries, for which they received multiple awards. They train fellow activists in media communication and video advocacy, and maintain and support a network of videographers who are working to promote human rights, harm reduction and sane drug policies. In this presentation István Gábor Takács, video manager of the RRF tells the story of their work, and shows examples of how they used video as an effective advocacy and educational tool to advance drug policy reform around the world.
check out their work here : https://drogriporter.hu/en/
and here : https://www.facebook.com/drugreporter/
Register for the event here