Course: Drug Policy, Diplomacy and Global Public Health
- Intensive three-day course with renowned faculty and leading practitioners
- Combine theory and practice through lectures, high-level panels and exercises
- Meet in the world’s global health capital
- Organised by the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute
Dates: 29 - 31 October 2018
Duration: Three full days (including an evening session)
Tuition: CHF 1,800
Application deadline: 1 October 2018
The drug issue goes far beyond law-enforcement and prohibition. Some innovative reforms are already being implemented. What should the new direction be for the future UN governanceof international drug policy? How can different actors contributeto a global process that truly advances laws, policiesand international cooperation and finally ensures that drugpolicies help instead of harming the health and welfare ofmankind? How can countries develop a coordinated response,in compliance with international drug control rules, when theirministries of health tend to treat users, while their ministries ofinterior and justice tend to criminalise them? How can the UNhave a meaningful and impactful role in addressing drug policy? And what should the role of civil society and user networks bein the international debate on drug policies?